Win more business. Achieve more organic growth. More effectively lead clients.

Take your team to the next level — and see the resulting impact on your agency. Mirren’s training solves your pressing issues, and leads to teams that are assertive, actionable, and accountable.

Equip your team with critical new skills

The agency landscape has changed. Remote client relationships, increased commoditization, clients taking work in-house, and shrinking budgets are only a few challenges you’re likely experiencing.

Achieve more organic growth

You need a team capable of stronger leadership, deeper strategic thinking, and more integrated activation to win new business and achieve more organic growth.

Enter Mirren’s training.

Who It’s for

Client-facing teams

Your teams will learn proven methods to be more effective client business leaders, find untapped client budgets, develop and sell through new ideas clients can’t ignore, and scale assertive organic growth plans.

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Pitch teams

Transform your approach to get into bigger RFPs, scale an unbeatable pitch process, develop capabilities that can’t be ignored, and completely dominate the room to win – ultimately, building a pipeline of high-value clients.

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New AI Skills Training

This training program will give your client-facing team the skills to immediately operationalize AI for day-to-day client work. Learn new frameworks for AI prompt engineering, client business analysis, and key elements of strategic development.

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Mirren training is delivered in three different ways.

Custom Training

Custom designed and delivered for your teams, the training is delivered at your offices or remote via several interactive sessions. Interactive breakout exercises and group discussions ensure the training is immediately applied and implemented.

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On-Demand Training

Over 200 videos and downloadable tools and guides, plus 50+ live training webinars each year.

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Group Training

Join other agencies in several levels of virtual training series on topics ranging from Effective Client Leadership to Building a Proactive Prospecting Program.

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You’ll learn new strategies that immediately impact client growth and new business. It starts by more effectively pinpointing each client’s most pressing business opportunities — then charging higher fees to solve for those needs.

Tom Cramer
Strategy & Client Leadership Director

Unlocking the growth potential for some of the best teams in the business