Join other agencies and learn how to consistently win new business

You can’t win pitches you aren’t in. You can’t convert prospects you aren’t talking to. To get in front of the right decision-makers and compel them to choose your agency, your team needs a commanding presence and a specific skill set.

Our group training for pitch teams helps your agency get the most out of your team’s efforts, whether it’s commanding a whole room or having conversations that lead to a closed deal.

Elevated prospecting and pitch strategies that deliver results

Your pitch teams need to keep up with the evolving new business landscape and be ready to capitalize on every opportunity.

Our group training imparts proven skills and a tested framework

Pitch teams will learn to ensure repeatable, consistent results through manageable, interactive live remote sessions.

Your pitch teams will leave our group training ready to:

  • Qualify agencies and prospects to make informed decisions
  • Uncover and address the real objectives of a pitch
  • Clearly differentiate your agency
  • Build and convert a pipeline of high-value leads
  • Pull prospects into your agency with a sense of urgency
  • Create and deliver hard-hitting final pitch presentations

Mirren’s process has been a game-changer for Curiosity. Since bringing them in for training, we’ve had a record year – including a 17.5% jump in organic account growth. We still constantly refer to “the Mirren way” in all our growth planning!

Trey Harness, Curiosity

Effective training formats that work for your team.

Live Training

Join remote training sessions with other agency teams in a webinar-style format.

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Interact with Instructors

One on one access to your instructors.

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Get Handouts and Guides

Access our strategic insights and best practices in a grab-and-go fashion.

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Unlocking the growth potential for some of the best teams in the business